Monday, August 28, 2017

Tachometer for Yanmar 1GM10

I was thinking about tachometer for Yanmar 1GM10. The original option of Yanmar were way too expensive, at least the stuff which I found in the net were above 200 euro. The cheap options like normal tachometers which one could find in the shops have to be connected to the alternator. The Yanmar 1GM10 does not have such an output and an extra cable have to be soldered. The Tiny-Tach is a great alternative. Simply you attach the transducer to the fuel pipe inlet, and it is basically plug and play. I went for their device for diesel engines Diesel Tiny-Tach. Looks good, and indeed it is tiny :) I ordered it directly from the US shop it arrived in the Netherlands less than a week after the order was placed. The price including the delivery was about 95 euro.

Uses a transducer on the fuel line which must be the correct size for the line-6mm, 7mm, 1/4.

it is tiny indeed :)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Zomeravond 2017

Great video made from a colleague R. Prins of the start of the clubs summer regata yesterday :) Sasha is the small blue boat at the end of the video in the middle of the screen :)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Some more May sailing :)

May turned out to be great :) Very good friends of mine from Bulgaria visited me, and we made their sea baptism in North Sea :)

It was their first ever sailing, apparently they are natural talents :)

Yesterday I also started the clubs regata season. Sasha did extremely good, should work on my start thought :)


The usual track looks like that:

It was beautiful evening :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Some nice May sailing...

Its getting warm in the Netherlands. This year till the end of April the temperatures were bellow 12 C. Its getting better slowly. Some nice sailing video from the last Sunday :) Winds were about 20-25 knots apparent wind :)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Last works before the season.

It is supper funny, because my plans were to do nothing this year. Suddenly in February I was thinkig, Ok I should change just the windows to make my boat look cooler  :) At the end I ended up changing all the windows, paint the deck, paint the hull, changing the water outlet, changing the photovoltaics, now I got 50W cell, and of course all the small things which are associated  with those stuff ;) Anyway I finish today, after one month heavy works, and I like it how it looks :)

Monday, April 17, 2017

New deck paint.

Before the start of the season and after the change of the portlights I decided it will be a good idea to renew the deck paint.
In the areas where I walk I placed the Interdeck beige antislip paint from International.

Interdeck Sand Beige

In the other areas I went with the Super Gloss HS pearl white paint of International.

Super Gloss HS pearl white

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

New antifouling.

It seems that the idea about the antifouling from the last year is working. When the boat got out of the water the soft antifouling was washed out and the hard antifouling Interspeed extra was staying:

After that I placed on top of it new layer of Cruiser One antifouling:

Looks like we are ready for the new season :)

New portlights and deckhatch.

I decided it is about the time to change my boat glassing :) My friends were joking that now I will be able to look and see through my windows :)

For a deckhatch, I went for flushing deckhatch 500x370, R=42 from gebo from a local shop:

flushing deckhatch

The same type of deckhatch was recommended on Jeremy Rogers web page.

The portlights, fixings, and linings I got from Jeremy Rogers Limited:


Looks good :)

I installed the deckhatch so it opens forwards. The idea behind is when it is open in calm weather the accidental wave splashing will not come inside.

It is time now to paint the deck I think :)